Monday, December 15, 2008

Day 15 -- Something kind of like a job interview

Admittedly, I am beginning to lose count, but I think I am on day 15. The good news is that not only did I work diligently on the résumé today, but tomorrow I have something close to an interview. Mind you it is not a bona fide interview even so an unfilled position will be discussed and a polished résumé has been sent (thanks ben squared). I would like to be intentionally vague; to protect not only the innocent but the shoe throwing that would likely ensue if I were not to get the job. And honestly, I think this unofficial meeting might something along the lines of just so you know, we are going in a different direction.

The abbreviated back story, the position is very nebulous but it would likely involve helping create a school-based mentoring program for at-risk children. While although there are pros and cons of working in more of a pioneering stage of an agency, I am more concerned expectations might eclipse what is realistic. Even the unclear nature of the process could be a good indicator of what it might be like to work in this setting. Furthermore, I have a few contacts that either have been or are currently employed by this agency and to put it diplomatically, it hasn’t received glowing marks.

Maybe I am trying to be both a bit of sour grapes and hedging my bets – not wanting to get to ahead of myself – but should I bow to that adage a bird in hand is worth more than two in the bush? Or ought I listen to my contacts regarding this prospect?