Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Day 45 -- Beachside Lifestyles

Steve Lopez’s Column today featured a story about a Southern Californian woman who some twenty years ago went on vacation in the Cayman Islands and never returned.  She didn’t disappear but instead turned her intended six-week vacation into a new life.  Effectively, at 28, she reinvented herself finding a new address, a new occupation (real estate agent), a new friend circle and finally a new last name upon her marriage to one of her fellow ex-pats.   As an aside, the whole journey was prompted by a bad break up – I am picturing in my head Kerry Bradshaw’s Mexi-coma.  She claims no regrets and Mr. Lopez sounded jealous to say the least. 

Recently, I learned of a job opening through the Queensland Tourism looking for a sort of island caretaker who would “slave away” in a three bedroom Great Barrier Reef side condo complete with an infinity pool for six months their sole responsibility being maintaining a weekly blog on the experience.     The pay is $100,000!  As of yesterday, the company had already received 200,000 applications and rest assured I will include my application in the pile before the deadline passes.  This publicity stunt is being dubbed as “The Best Job in the World,” and as I have been trolling the internet for job postings, I have it on good authority that that is an accurate portrayal.

In light of both of these types of “jobs” I have silenced every irresponsible voice in my head and have decided to join a friend for a week- long vacation in Mexico next month.  Yes, this will probably extend my unemployment but maybe I will have an epiphany like the woman from Steve Lopez’s column or at the very least be better prepared for being offered the island caretaker gig.  Could you imagine?  


Stacy said...

Good luck on the $100K island job. I think you are qualified. But if that doesn't pan out, we should start looking for tix for the 1 week Mexico trip.