It is a very strange juxtaposition that I have created this very public window into my unemployment while I haven’t been 100% forthcoming with the members of my immediate family about not working. The truth is I haven’t told them anything close to the truth. I have made the concession to admit I am job hunting (which I am, right?) but left out the very conspicuous detail that I quit my job on 12.1.08.
If anyone in my family was online at all, there might be some legitimate concern they would stumble across my blog. Rest assured I have it on good authority no member of my immediate family has the foggiest concept of what a blog is in the first place. There is also the possibility some of my readers might in fact know members of my family – hence this entry. For the most part, those who I know who know my family members I have sworn to secrecy. I think I am willing to roll the dice that an acquaintance might (A) discover my blog and (B) have the presence of mind to bring it up to my family.
However, I can’t help but wonder why I am able to be completely candid in this venue where total strangers know more about my life than my family of origin. Am I avoiding the righteous judgment they might heap on me if they knew I had been out of a job for close to six weeks at this point? Would I get a barrage of advice regarding what types of jobs I should be applying for? Would they judge me for actively trying to wait tables? Am I stifling my bona fide adulthood by not having the wherewithal to withstand these angles? Perhaps.
What about the flipside – what value comes from being brutally honest in such a public arena? My original reasoning for this blog was to work on my writing and to have an on-going project to work on both of which have been very helpful. It has been very good for me to commit to write daily and to have a deadline. But the thing I wasn’t expecting was the cathartic /therapeutic nature of complete self-disclosure. Also, I thought my only readers would be a handful of friends having no idea there is sort of camaraderie among bloggers I am very thankful to have effectively entered into.
Value of being "brutally" honest?
Just being honest is good enuf 4 me. It's a weight off your life so you can run faster, freer in your life ahead.
"Rightous" judgement from families is right! Or even being overly concerned where you end up having to assure THEM that all will be OK. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.
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